Friday, November 15, 2013

Back home...

A couple of fun pieces from the
 Portland Tattoo Expo, Oct 2013
I've been back from Portland for about a month now and I must admit, I've been trying to figure out when I can go back again. I had a great time in what was a beautiful city. I worked the Portland Tattoo Expo and met some really awesome people, did some touristy stuff and ate plentiful!
When I got home, I went right to work on my rose paintings.
I contributed 5 5"x7" original rose paintings to the 65 Rose Project. The project raises money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation/Oregon Chapter. All paintings, by artists from all over the country, are being sold for $65 each. All proceeds benefit the Foundation. For more details on this and to view all of the rose paintings, visit them on Facebook.

IN OTHER NEWS, I've updated the TATTOO section of this site and the UP FOR GRABS section is getting SMALLER! If you see something you like, come get it. Stay tuned to the Mr. Blue Sky Tattoo Facebook page for some killer deals coming up for Black Friday and Small Biz Saturday! You don't wanna miss this!

As always, thanks for checking out my work!
Instagram @jenny_jump