Friday, November 15, 2013

Back home...

A couple of fun pieces from the
 Portland Tattoo Expo, Oct 2013
I've been back from Portland for about a month now and I must admit, I've been trying to figure out when I can go back again. I had a great time in what was a beautiful city. I worked the Portland Tattoo Expo and met some really awesome people, did some touristy stuff and ate plentiful!
When I got home, I went right to work on my rose paintings.
I contributed 5 5"x7" original rose paintings to the 65 Rose Project. The project raises money for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation/Oregon Chapter. All paintings, by artists from all over the country, are being sold for $65 each. All proceeds benefit the Foundation. For more details on this and to view all of the rose paintings, visit them on Facebook.

IN OTHER NEWS, I've updated the TATTOO section of this site and the UP FOR GRABS section is getting SMALLER! If you see something you like, come get it. Stay tuned to the Mr. Blue Sky Tattoo Facebook page for some killer deals coming up for Black Friday and Small Biz Saturday! You don't wanna miss this!

As always, thanks for checking out my work!
Instagram @jenny_jump

Monday, September 30, 2013

Heading West

In about a week and a half, I will be heading west for the Portland Tattoo Expo. It's a city I've never been to so I'm pretty excited to check it out. The convention will be held at the Portland Expo Center on October 11th-13th and I'll be doing walk-ups all weekend! I will have a heap of drawings with me including some of the art in my "Up For Grabs" section on this site. Interested in something special? Email me and I'll make it happen. I will also have with me a limited amount of watercolor prints, both 5"x7" and 8"x10", priced to please.

In other news, I've been asked to participate in a really great project called The 65 Rose Project. It's for a good cause, look for it on Facebook! I'll be posting more on that in the near future.

The portfolio section has been updated and as always, follow me on Instagram (@jenny_jump) for the most up-to-date grub. Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

New Stuff!

I made a few updates to the site this week. Besides adding some new tattoo pictures, I have also updated my convention section. I will be heading to Seattle this week so check out that section for more details plus Seattle Tattoo Expo! Also, I will be tattooing at the 5th Annual Portland Tattoo Expo this October.
Now for the really cool add...check out the UP FOR GRABS tab above! It's a collection of sketches that I would really enjoy tattooing on you. So browse through, see if anything suits your fancy. These sketches will not stay up for long so grab 'em while you can!

Friday, June 21, 2013


After much deliberation, I have finally created a new website that is strictly my art and tattoos. For the moment, I will still maintain my blog which, admittedly, includes a bunch of jibber jabber. Here, you will only find pictures and information in regards to tattoos. If you have any questions in regards to ANY art shown or booking an appointment, feel free to email me or call the shop (Mr. Blue Sky Tattoo #609-568-5263)
Thanks for checking out my work and check back often for updates, convention schedule and SPECIAL DEALS on select tattoo designs.

-Jenn Kakoyannis